What is this place?
I've put this web page together to combine a couple of my main
interest areas: Homebuilt aircraft and Nautical History, especially
during the Napoleonic era.
My wife, Lisa, is a published author of romance novels. She
writes as Lisa McAllister (Harlequin).
Looking for some Seattle-Area EAA Chapters?
Chapter 26
Chapter 441
Chapter 326
Who the Heck is Ron Wanttaja?
As well
you might ask. I'm a retired Space Systems Engineer. In my
40-year career, I studied, developed, tested, or operated about
eighteen different spacecraft. I started in the Air Force,
where I was an on-shift engineer for the Defense Support Program missile early-warning
satellite. After leaving the Air Force, I went to work for
Boeing, where one of my first jobs was on the early design studies
for the International Space Station. After that, I
worked mostly on classified programs, where my specialties included
satellite orbit/constellation design and analysis, launch vehicle
and onboard propulsion system trades, and operations concepts for
space systems. I worked in a "Rapid Prototyping" group, one
which specialized in finding shortcuts to develop spacecraft faster,
better, and cheaper (in reality, we said, you could "pick any
two....). At the time I retired in 2017, I had worked several
development programs a chief Systems Engineer, leading teams of
inventive specialists in doing some real wild stuff.
Since retirement, I have done some consulting work for Boeing, a
private space company, and the US Department of Transportation.
In the meantime, I've done a few odd things...I'm the author of the
old "IFR Flight Simulator" program for the Commodore VIC-20 and C-64
(Click here for a writeup on how
it came about), I used to run the only submarine in North Dakota, and I'm a former Cadet Colonel in
the Civil Air Patrol. Also was a disk jockey, back in the
Oh, and I also occasionally speak to folks about what it was like
to live aboard the sailing ships of the early 19th century.
In case you were wondering about the sailor suit....
I'm also a freelance aviation journalist. I've written for a
number of magazines, including PRIVATE PILOT, FLYING, SPORT
AVIATION, and KITPLANES. I write mostly for KITPLANES,
mainly because they treat freelancers very, very well. Note,
though, that I have no official connection with the magazine...I'm
a private individual who takes occasional assignments from them
and/or submits articles on speculation. As a freelancer, I highly
recommend KITPLANES as a good place to submit.
About twenty years ago, I started studying accidents involving
homebuilt aircraft. I'm am currently one of the top experts
on homebuilt accident causes; I can modestly say I'm probably the
leading expert outside the Government. I've published about
thirty articles describing various aspects of my analysis.
Finally, I write books. I've written a pair of young adult novels
set in the U.S. Navy during the War of 1812. The first of the
series, The Key to Honor, came out in early 1996. Other
books include Kitplane Construction and Airplane
Ownership, both non-fiction.
My writing has brought me several awards, including the FLYING
Magazine "Bax Seat Trophy" and a journalism award from the
Aviation/Space Writer's Association.
About My Books
With full-time employment as an engineer during my career, I didn't
have to write for the income. So I was able to write what I
wanted, when I wanted. Now that I'm retired...heck, it's
even easier!
Here's a quick synopsis of my books, plus a couple of ways to order.
Kit Airplane Construction, Third Edition
This book is a basic 'primer' covering the basic skills and
knowledge necessary to build your own homebuilt aircraft. Chapters
cover selecting the right kitplane, engine selection, workshop
setup, aircraft-quality workmanship, and specific information on all
modes of construction. The first edition won the Aviation/Space
Writer's Association 1992 Journalism Award in the Technical/Training
books category.
TO ORDER: Kit Airplane Construction can be ordered from
just about any aviation book supplier. There are a number of
online sources as well, such as Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com
.. Or you can order directly from McGraw-Hill, the publisher, at
(800) 822-8158.
Airplane Ownership, Second Edition
This book covers the basic of buying and owning your own plane. The
book includes a frank assessment of the costs of ownership, the
shopping and buying process, and includes a guide to basic
TO ORDER: Airplane Ownership can be ordered from just
about any aviation book supplier. There are a number of online
sources as well, such as Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com
.. Or you can order directly from McGraw-Hill, the publisher, at
(800) 822-8158..
The Key to Honor
This young-adult novel is set in the U.S. Navy during the War of
1812. Everyone saw fifteen-year-old Nate Lawton save the Captain's
life when "Old Ironsides" defeated HMS Guerriere. But nobody
saw him run away afterwards. Promoted to Midshipman's rank and
assigned to the United States Frigate Chesapeake , Nate is
determined to regain his lost honor. The book is written for ten to
fifteen-year-olds, is 180 pages long, and includes a detailed
glossary as well as black-and-white drawings illustrating the layout
of the ship. Before it was published, it won second place in the
Young Adult category in the Pacific Northwest Writer's Conference
contest. Further information can be found on my Nautical Page .
You can order this book from Amazon.
The Price of Command
This sequel to The Key to Honor finds Midshipman Nate Lawton
assigned to the Lake Erie fleet under Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry.
Much to his delight, Perry's fleet is short of officers, and Nate
soon finds himself thrust into the position of acting first
lieutenant of a Brig o' War. But Command has its price...a price
Nate's Captain is unwilling to pay. Nate finds himself caught
between the rocks of Naval discipline and the shoals of a senior
officer's unbending ambition. Information on how this book
came about can be found on my Nautical Page .
You can order this book from Amazon.
Comments? Contact me at ron@wanttaja.com
Proud Member of

Who are the RAH-15? Fifteen participants in an Internet
newsgroup who were hit with a SLAPP suit (Strategic Lawsuit
Against Public Participation) for exercising their right of free
speech by publicly disagreeing with the editorial coverage of a
nationally-distributed aviation magazine. For more
information, see the Zoomland page maintained by my
fellow co-defendant, John Ousterhout.